Saturday, March 10, 2007


After a good six months I managed to get a lovely bike ride around the local county lanes. Hope to do the same tomorrow. The weather seems to be getting better and really looking forward to the summer.


Unknown said...

Another beautiful day and hope to have an afternoon bike ride.
Not looking forward to marking all the matlab and foundations of mathematics workbooks.

Unknown said...

Just finished marking the workbook for foundations of mathematics and the students are making the same mistakes as previous years. Some still don't know what constitutes a mathematical proof. Many think
The weather is definitely improving and should be able to get in a walk or cycle ride today.

Unknown said...

My daughter and I went to the Warwick mathematics open day on Wednesday. They seem to have made a great effort to ensure it runs smoothly and Mandeep would love to go there. They have stiff conditions of entry - A's at A level Maths and Further Maths plus Step or AEA award. I hope she gets in.

Unknown said...

After so much marking of workbooks it might help to invest some time into computer aided assessment. Where is the help in this area?

Unknown said...

It is 20th March 2007 and it is snowing. I can't remember the last time it snowed in March in the SE of England.

Unknown said...

It's 13th April 07. The weather has been excellent for cycling. Still trying to write another book, this time on mathematical analysis and linear algebra but can't concentrate in this good weather.
Tomorrow we will be celebrating Vaiskhi with a nagar kirtan through Hithin Town Centre.

Unknown said...

14th April 07. Its been a beautiful day for the nagar kirtan today through Hitchin Town Centre.
Excellent turn out!

Unknown said...

16th April 07. It seems to be rather hot for this time of the year.

Unknown said...

20th April 07. A rather dull and boring day.

Unknown said...

At last I managed to get back to my blogging.

Unknown said...

27th May 2007.
Reading final year undergraduate projects is rather a boring task particularly during a bank holiday weekend. The good news is that it is raining outside so it maybe it's a blesssing in disguise.

Unknown said...

It is only suppose to rain outside!

Unknown said...

Been the hotest day of the year so far. Had a nice walk after a long time.